pondělí 30. prosince 2013

30.12. 2013 - end of this year

 Today I have been in Prague with children of my friend. Prage is biggest city and capitol of Czech Republic. I love it. There is remarkable historical center, but most poeple live in modern buildings. There is a lot of chances to work or to spend free time. My favourite places are tearooms. This is special in my country - tearooms with oriental atmosphere. But today there were no time for tearoom.

Dnešek jsem strávila v Praze s dětmi mojí kamarádky. Prahu mám moc ráda. Ráda se toulám po historickém centru a miluju čajovny, kterých je v Praze hodně. Dnes ale na žádnou čajovnu čas nebyl.

Source of picture: http://commons.wikimedia.org

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